Kunjungi Kota Rembang, Sandi Apresiasi Potensi Kelautan Kota Ini

Candidate for Vice President number 02, Sandiaga Uno kiunjung Pasar rembang market on Friday 11 January 2019. Welcome this time to greet the traders and the community. On that occasion, he took the time to buy dumbeg, a typical Rembeng snack.

There were two packs of dumbegs that he had bought. Market snacks, made from rice flour, coconut and sugar wrapped with palm leaves from the siwalan tree.

Not only that, in addition to buying dumbeg, Sandi also buys other market snacks. Sandi also continues to be the center of attention of visitors in the Rembang City Market. In fact, the Titah, an old scavenger from Sumberejo, Rembang, did not want to miss. He confidently hugged and kissed the password. Although shabby complete with a shawl carrying. Sandi served him with a friendly smile.
Visit the City of Rembang, a Code of Appreciation for the Potential of Marine Cities
Visit the City of Rembang, a Code of Appreciation for the Potential of Marine Cities

Sandi also absorbed the aspirations of the Rembang people on this occasion. He also got merchant complaints about market arrangement. Until finally after an hour in Psara, he continued his journey to visit other areas.

Sandi said that he arrived in Salt City in order to greet residents. While in the market in Rembang City for structuring financial facilities.

Traders are satisfied when it rains, the market court becomes muddy. Conditions in the market are also tight, because traders exceed capacity. So this is a priority for Prabowo-Sandi's development, in favor of the people's economy. Because, the financial pulse is in the traditional market, "he said.

When discussing about issuing tricks that had led to the Prabowo-Sandi team, he opposed the trick they had to fight. Elections must be free from deception. His party realized that at this time, there were many parties who wanted to divide.

"We hope the police will crack down on fraud," he said.

While funding the debate, he and Prabowo will deepen the latest vision and mission of the current government.

Evolving from the political issues that have developed at this time, Sandi creates the Rembang Regency which has extraordinary marine potential. Wrong salunyan is salt. Also a developing creative economy. Moreover, it is very strategic, close to East Java.

"The potential of the coastal city is expected to be the locomotive of economic development in Central Java," he said.

Previously, SAndi also met with Al Wahdah, Lasem, Rembang Islamic Boarding School (Pondok Pesantren), Sandi by the caregivers of the boarding school Gus Affas Baidhowi, also present in this field, KH Najih Maimun Zubair from KH Wafi Maimun from Serang, Gus Aam Wahib from Surabaya, Gus Sholah from Banyuwangi.


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